Saturday, November 7, 2009

Thank God for such an amazing husband :)

Mike has been so absolutely incredible during the pregnancy. He has always been amazing of course, but I feel like we have grown even closer in the past few months. He is so supportive and has been to every doctor's appointment. I feel so extremely blessed to have such an amazing man as my husband! He always makes me feel better when the hormones get the best of me. He works so hard to provide and plan for our future. I just feel so loved and I don't know what I would do without him. And I know he is going to be an incredible father, too. I love seeing how excited he is to have a son. I can't wait to see the two of them together! I feel like my words here are not even doing justice for the gratitude and love I feel for him and from him. I am so incredibly blessed. :)

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