Sunday, August 9, 2009

Wow! It worked!

I kept the suspicion that I might be pregnant to myself because I had had that same feeling once before and was extremely disappointed. I kept telling myself, "nah, it can't be...". I had been hopeful all week and putting off the test, but by Friday night, after Joyce and Dad left for Orlando, I just couldn't wait any longer to find out. I still didn't say anything to Mike because I was expecting a negative result. Still very hopeful for a positive, but expecting a negative.
So Mike and I were watching something on T.V. (can't even remember what it was) and I said, "I'll be right back". I went to the bathroom and took a test and HOLY CRAP IT WAS POSITIVE!! I almost couldn't believe it and I called Mike in there. He later told me he was annoyed I was calling him in there because he thought I wanted him to come kill a palmetto bug. haha But I was coming out of the bathroom to meet him just as he was coming in and when he saw the test in my hand and the look on my face, he just froze for a second. I think we were both in shock for a few minutes...maybe for MORE than a few minutes. We hugged and I cried and we both just stared at the test and that little blue plus sign several times. We both said, "Wow! It actually worked!" and laughed. After a few minutes, Mike said, "Well, what do we do now? Just go back to watching t.v.?"
This really was one of the most extraordinary moments of my life.

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