Monday, September 21, 2009

new ultrasound!

We had an ultrasound with a specialist today. Her equipment is much more high tech than my regular doctor. I can't believe how much the baby has grown in just 4 weeks! He was very active today and was moving around a lot. Several times it looked like he used his legs to push off and jump! :) I'm sure I will be feeling that in just a few short weeks. Michael and I were both in awe just watching him move around.
I actually get to go back on Friday for another ultrasound, too! I guess they are training new nurses on how to use the ultrasound machine and read the results and they need women who are between 8 and 13 weeks to come in and be the "guinea pigs" for the training. I am 12 weeks and 5 days so they asked if I would come back Friday. I said 'HECK YES!" because I love seeing the ultrasound...and they are also throwing in a $50 visa gift card to sweeten the deal. I would go back just for the extra ultrasound experience, but I'll never turn down a free gift card.
Here are some pictures from today's ultrasound.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

12 week check up 9/16/2009

We had our 12 week check up. I was a little disappointed because I was expecting to do another ultrasound, but we didn't. We started the appointment as usual, taking weight and blood pressure. The doctor then discussed all of the blood work that was done at the last visit. Everything looks fine. :-) Then the doctor said she was going to try and listen to the baby's heartbeat. My first experience with that jelly on my belly! haha At first all we could hear was MY heartbeat, but after a few seconds, we heard the baby's heartbeat. :) It sounded just like mine, although a lot faster! The heartrate was about 150 which is normal, so the doctor said everything is going well.
We do have another doctor's appointment this Monday with a high-risk specialist. Not because anything is regular doctor has all of her patients visit this specialist to get a better ultrasound and take more accurate measurements. So I just can't wait until Monday!

Monday, September 14, 2009

10 week picture

Just posting a new picture. This was me at 10 weeks. This week we go for our 12 week check-up! Hopefully I will have a new ultrasound picture to post. :)