Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Easter!

Well, it has taken me almost 2 months, but I am finally able to sit down and remember the day Jack was born. Everything just seemed to line up well for that day. Mike's parents were in town awaiting the big day and Joyce and Barney were in town for the weekend as well.
I had been having sporadic contractions for a couple of days but nothing major was happening and I was starting to get a little anxious. Then on Saturday April 3rd, I woke up around 6 am and felt what I thought was my water breaking. I say "thought" because obviously I had never experienced this before and I didn't want to get too excited that it had happened! I called my doula who said I should call the doctor. The nurse at the doctor's office told me to go to the hospital. So I took my time showering and packing last minute things for the hospital in case they admitted me. I also called my Dad to let him know that I thought I was going in to labor. He got on the phone right away and tried to get a flight from VA to make it in time for the big event.
Mike, his parents, and I all went to the hospital around 10:30 am. Once there the nurse checked me and said that my waters had in fact ruptured and I was admitted to the hospital. Unfortunately I was only 1 cm dilated and my contractions weren't that strong even though the waters ruptured. So Dr. Espinal started me on pitocin and I had to stay in bed so that they could monitor the baby's heart rate. So we settled in and watched some t.v. and waited.
I had wanted to try having an unmedicated labor/birth, but the pitocin made the contractions too strong. By 9:30 that night I was only 5 cm dilated and the pain was starting to get unbearable. God bless the person who invented epidurals! ;-) By 10 pm I had my epidural, I felt MUCH better and was able to relax a little bit.
Throughout the day Mike's parents and Joyce and Barney had come to visit and around 10:30 I had another special visitor: my Dad! He had taken a flight to Fort Meyers (the closest he could get) and driven the rest of the way. I was so happy that he made it! I wish that my Mom and all of our other family had been able to be there as well. Dad got there just in time because at midnight the doctor came in to check me and said I would start pushing soon.
All the family went to the waiting room and I began the hardest part of the day. I pushed and pushed but was only making a little progress. An hour went by and I thought Jack was NEVER going to come out. The doctor and nurses told me to rest on every other contraction so that I would have more strength to push. I remember telling Mike I wanted to push and he told me I needed to rest just then. I told him, 'I just want him OUT!". After another hour of pushing, Jack was finally born at 2:19 am. :-)
When the doctor put him on my chest it seemed so surreal. I had been trying to imagine what he looked like for 9 months and now here he was! He was so perfect and beautiful. After a couple of minutes the nurses took him to the other side of the room to clean him up and do the APGAR tests. (He got 9 out of 10). I remember hearing him cry and thinking "That is the sweetest sound I have ever heard". Mike went over with Jack while he was cleaned up and it was incredibly awesome to see the two of them together.
After I was cleaned up and we had a few minutes together of just the 3 of us, Mike's parents and my Dad came in. (Joyce and Barney were at their hotel.) We all got to spend a few minutes together and then Mike took his parents back to our house for the night. My Dad stayed with me and held Jack for a few minutes while I had a bite to eat. I was starving! I hadn't eaten in almost 24 hours and that plain turkey sandwich and apple juice they brought me tasted like heaven.
After about an hour I was moved to the postpartum room. Mike made it back just as we were settling in and all 3 of us got a little bit of sleep.
It was such an incredible experience, I think the most exciting thing in my life. It was hard work but I would do it all again 100 times for my little baby :-)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

39 weeks!

Only 1 week away until the big due date! I had an appointment yesterday and the doctor said I am just starting to show progress towards labor. He has DEFINITELY dropped in the past 2 weeks and I am having more braxton hicks, but no real contractions yet.
I am excited to start maternity leave tomorrow! I plan on resting up as much as possible until our little one decides to make his appearance. It may sound strange, but there are times when it still doesn't seem real. I know he is coming very soon and I can't wait, but at the same time I just can't picture what he will look like. I know it is going to be a surreal moment to hold him in my arms for the first time. I have wanted to be a mommy for so long and I almost can't believe it is happening. :-)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

36 week check up!

We had our 36 week check up yesterday, March 3rd. I can't believe I am 4 weeks away from the due date! Little Jack will be here before we know it!
The check up went really well. The baby's heartbeat is strong and he is still head down. The doctor said he is a little low, but hasn't dropped yet.
The best part of the checkup was the surprise ultrasound. I had no idea the doctor was going to do an ultrasound! So we got to see our little one again. The doctor measured him and he weighs 5 pounds 6 ounces right now. His belly was 33 cm around. Apparently he will gain anywhere from a half pound to a pound every week from now on. I'm hoping it will only be a half pound a week!
I'm just getting so excited and so is Mike. We can't wait to meet our son! :-)

Monday, February 15, 2010

baby shower pictures

Baby Shower 2/13/2010

My sister had a baby shower for me on Feb. 13th at my house. It was wonderful to have so many family members and friends come celebrate with me. Of course Joyce was here, my Dad flew in from VA., my Mom and Bishop drove down from GA., and I had 3 out of town surprise guests as well. Stephanie, Angie, and Davey drove down from VA and surprised me. They showed up on Friday afternoon. I thought Mike was coming home and then Steph, Angie, and Davey walked in with him! I was so surprised and touched that I cried. I can't believe they drove all the way down here. :)
We had a great time hanging out on Friday and then Saturday was the shower. Joyce bought a lot of cute decorations (including a Mommy-To-Be sash for me to wear!) and the food was delicious! A lot of friends and family were there: Joyce, Mom, Steph, Angie, Eunice, Beth, Cheryl, Melissa, and Danielle. They gave us a ton of presents! I think we have everything we need now, minus the stroller, diaper pail, and a few crib sheets and toiletries. Our friends and family were so generous that everything else is covered.
I am already more excited than I can say about the baby! But having friends and family show us so much love really makes me feel even more blessed and excited about this time. :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Baby Shower!

I had a baby shower on Saturday, January 30th. Carrie and Clara invited some of the ladies from Somerset to their house and threw a baby shower for me. It was so sweet of them and I feel so grateful to have such good friends! They made some delicious food (I can't decide if I liked the meatballs or the lemon cake the most!) and decorated with adorable baby things. I think the best decoration was the banana tied to my chair with a ribbon. haha She did that because of the monkey theme in the nursery. It was too cute!
Erica, Diana, Nicki, Nadine, and Ingrid came,...and of course Carrie and Clara were there. We all had a great time just talking and laughing. It was wonderful just to hang out and talk with everyone.
They all gave us some wonderful presents, including the pack 'n play, boppy pillow, toys for Jack, changing pad, bottles, pacifiers, and a bunch of adorable little clothes. It was definitely more than I ever expected! :)
It was a wonderful day! It meant so much to me to celebrate with them. :)

32 week check up

Today was my 32 week check up. Everything is still going well! The baby's heartbeat was in the 130s and he is positioned with his head down. My own personal victory is that I only gained 3 pounds since the last appointment! :) From now on I will go back every 2 weeks, then once a week for the last month. I can't believe there are only 8 weeks left until my due date!!! I'm so excited to meet little Jack, I can't wait for him to be here! :)